Sunday, September 20, 2009

God Is Real, The Poetry of David S. Smith

On sale now, 100 pages, 7.95
Also at in ebook for 2.95
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Saturday, September 19, 2009

My poem: God Is Real

God is Real

I am always amazed when I hear someone say
There is no God and there is no reason to pray
How can they explain the wonders that we see?
Like the morning sun light shining through a tree
Why the grass is so green and the sky so blue
Consider the sheer joy of a beautiful view
God designed the wings so that birds can fly
He made the stars, the clouds and the sky
He made the mountains, the valleys and the sea
Then He looked down and smiled
and made you and me.
He made the wheat so that we could make bread
And He wants us to make sure that all are fed
He gave us his words to guide us on our way
We know that God is real and He is with us today.

My poem: Walk With Me

Lord, Come Walk with Me

Lord, come walk with me and hold my hand
Tell me how to live and help me understand
Help me to change my thoughts when they stray
When I am lost show me the way
Stay close by my side and be my friend
Keep me straight though my road may bend
There is so much that I need to know
Please tell me where I need to go
Your will is what I want to do
I want to do whatever pleases you
I know you are busy as you can be
So thank you for spending time with me.

My poem: Our time on Earth

When we think of our time on Earth
What will our contribution be worth?
What will our actions leave behind?
Will we be remembered for being kind?
Will they say we had a good heart?
Will they say we did our part?
Can they say I remember when?
He was an inspiration to all men
He gave hope where there was despair
He taught men to really care
Now is the time to make a plan
To be ready to do what we can
Help me Lord I pray
To do your will before I go away.


Lord I Praise You

Lord, I praise you and say how great Thou art
You are the beginning and you were there at the start
You made the sun, the moon and the stars
You made Saturn, Jupiter, Venus and Mars
You show such power to have created these things
What a great joy and wonderment all this brings
How amazing that although I am just a lowly man
You have included me in your long-term plan
Thank you for your trust in me to do your will
Whatever the task that you ask I will fulfill
I have no fear because I know you are at my side
You can calm the stormy sea and slow the tide
I will be a Christian soldier under your command
I ask that you keep me in the palm of your hand.

My book's welcome page

“I am always amazed when I hear someone say There is no God
and there is no reason to pray
How can they explain the wonders that we see?”

Welcome to the gentle, inspiring Christian poetry of writer David S. Smith, a soft-spoken southern author with a very large heart. Join his journey as he offers plain-spoken yet eloquent praises to faith, hope, service and courage.

Welcome To My Blog_ Enjoy the video

Thank you for visiting the site for my poetry volume, GOD IS REAL. I'm a retired Alabama businessman; my beloved wife teaches nursing students at the University of Alabama, and I am working devotedly on my poetry in service to my faith.

I hope you enjoy my excerpts and video.

David Smith